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Maggie Wallem Rowe

Resolution or Revolution? When You’re Wondering Where to Start

It’s Day 3 of 2023.

Unless you’ve already penned a letter or written a check (does anyone even do that anymore?), you may not have had to remind your fingers to add that extra little squiggle onto the final digit of the numeric year. Maybe like the baby this new year is, you’ve greeted it with delight (You’re here at last – I’ve been waiting!), or dismay (I am so not ready for you, ’23.)

With the holidays past, are you bracing yourself for the flood of information urging us to make resolutions (or not), join a weight-loss program, declutter your house, organize your closets, or start on your tax returns? Are you tired already?

True confession: Since it’s been two weeks since my last post giving you a Christmas tour of our home, I’ve been compiling little nuggets for the new year to share with you – how to deepen your spiritual life, pick the perfect Day Planner, reunite your family, forgive your enemies, and thaw frozen water pipes (our festive activity on Christmas Eve.)

I want to regale you with the new things we’ve tried: Sledding on our newly solid pond with the grands, gingerbread cookies in martial arts poses, a family photo wall composed of foam-board tiles, bacon-flavored hot chocolate (ugh!)

Our 3-year-olds loved having Grandpa pull them around the pond at Peace Ridge

Try making ninjabread cookies for active kids!
We love bacon and we love chocolate, but together? Bleah!

We put this collage up in our kitchen so we can see our family everyday.

I thought of sharing my resolutions or asking you about yours.

I could be brave and describe the shock I felt when I climbed on the scale I’ve avoided for months and was awed by the new high – a lifetime record. I could plead with you to hold me accountable to the “7 Goals for 70” I’ve set with that milestone birthday just five months away.

But instead?

“What if we started out this year on our knees, reminding one another of the mercy, grace, and faithfulness of God?
“What if we gave up on reaching for the stars and found ourselves bowing down to the ground before the one true and living God?
“What if instead of re-firing our confidence in ourselves, we renewed our faith in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit?
“What if we began this year with repentance—realigning our minds and hearts and lives according to the things that matter most?” - J.D.Walt, Seedbed

I agree with J.D.

That would be a New Year’s revolution.

- Maggie Wallem Rowe, 2023

Courtesy of Carla Gasser

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