[The very first LISY video, Launch Team news, and a Valentine’s Day suggestion.]
Remember me sharing with you several weeks ago about my second book baby on the way?
Life is Sweet, Y’all, is due to bust into the world in her sassy pink glory sometime in March, and I can finally show you the fun the publisher and author have been having!
BUT FIRST, a huge thank you to each of you who put your hand in the air to join the Ten Minute Launch Team. I’ll be emailing the team each Wednesday with a link to that week’s video to share, but every member of my beloved blog community will get a sneak peek here first the day before.
(If you’d like to join the TMLT, we still have ten spots available. See the note at the end about what we’ll be doing and the launch-team-only prizes I plan to shop for in Norway!)
Now honestly, unless it’s Super Bowl Sunday, who actually wants to watch commercials? Not me.
So what Tyndale and I have done instead to draw attention to Life is Sweet is film a series of four 60-second TV spots straight-from-the-60’s that feature Yours Truly as my alter-ego, “Miss Maggie,” that sassy southern dispenser of household hints and unasked-for-advice.
If you’ve ever experienced more problems than you can say grace over, this one’s for you!
(Disclaimer in case PETA sees this: Despite what you are about to hear, we pinky-swear that no cats were harmed in the making of this video.)
If that brought a grin to your face, please feel free to share it! I’ll be posting a link to each video on my Facebook page each Wednesday the day after it first appears here.
(And in case you’re wondering if there’s truth in advertising, I baked that chocolate layer cake the night before the shoot. The videographers gratefully consumed it afterwards. The next three videos feature pie!)
LAUNCH TEAM: Ten Spots Left!
If you are active on social media and can commit to sharing these videos online or with friends, plus posting a brief Amazon review in March, I’d love to have you on the launch team! Just email me at MaggieWRowe@gmail.com and tell me you’re in. Y’all are busy but this will take only ten minutes total of your time, tops.
(And for those who share the videos and post a review, your names will go in a hat for some fun prizes from Norway!)
One final note: our official release date is still Tuesday, March 8, the date I fly to Norway (see why I need you?!) However, that old supply chain creek DID rise, and the books aren’t due into the warehouse until the end of this month. If you’ve pre-ordered, you’ll get your copies just as soon as the books skip off their container ship and into brick-and-mortar stores as well as online vendors.
And because Valentine’s Day is next Monday, here’s a suggestion: Know someone who lives alone? Send her a card to let her know that you’re thinking of her.
Life is sweet, y’all.
Have another slice!
Love you,
Miss Maggie
Want Life is Sweet, Y'all, delivered to your doorstep as soon as it's released? Here's a great deal on pre-orders for only $10.99 for the hardcover.