Hey Friends!
As they used to say on TV when I was a kid, "We are interrupting our regular programming (in my case, my Tuesday letters to you), to bring you an important announcement."
OK, it's not that important, but if you have 20 minutes free tonight (Monday, 9/9), I'd love it if you could join me for a free webinar I'm doing with Abundant Life 360, a ministry of First Place for Health.
Here's the link for more info:
To care for my body as well as soul and spirit, I've been part of an online First Place Bible study every Wednesday morning for the past five years. The other dozen members of my group have become trusted friends over the years. Their encouragement keeps me accountable to the fitness and discipleship goals I've set.
Tonight I'll be teaching a free webinar on Phoebe, the New Testament leader whom Paul called his sister. This is a message I originally delivered on March 8 in Stavanger, Norway, for an International Women's Day gathering.
You can register HERE to receive a link to the webinar, which is scheduled to begin promptly at 8 pm ET/ 7 CT/ 5 PT. We're aiming to keep it to just 20 minutes with Q&A afterwards, so you can pop on just for a few.
And best of all, come as you are! Unlike a Zoom call, you'll see me but I won't see you even though I'll know you're there.
My regular weekly letter will be in your inbox tomorrow, but in the meantime I hope you can join us tonight. Here's that registration link again - only takes a second! https://www.firstplaceforhealth.com/events/webinar-being-phoebe/