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Maggie Wallem Rowe

It's Time to Celebrate!

When you live in the South and life hands you lemons, you don't make lemonade. You put them in your sweet tea instead.

Mike and I can't celebrate the release of my first book baby with our family and friends as we had planned for so long, at least not yet, so instead we are inviting any of you with access to Facebook to join us tonight here at Peace Ridge for a virtual party. We can't offer you sweet tea, but we have some fun prizes to bestow!

Y'all are spread across many time zones, so please note par-tee time: 8 pm ET/ 7 pm CT/ 6 pm MT/ 5 pm PT. I'll promise you a pastoral prayer, a laugh or two, and a reading or three.

Contrary to Mark Zuckerberg's hopes and dreams, all the world is NOT on Facebook. I humbly wish we had another way to invite you all over tonight.

Those of you who take time to join me for a few Views from the Ridge each month are very special to me. Please know we are praying that the Lord will bless you and keep you. That He will make his face shine upon you. That He will give you peace.


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