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Four Ways to Spring into Spring!

Maggie Wallem Rowe

Do any of you get as excited as I do when Daylight Savings Time begins? Since it means an extra hour of daylight, I’m as happy as a calf in clover when we spring ahead on the second Sunday of March. We’ve had enough darkness this past year. (Can I get an amen to that?)

In the spirit of spring and renewal, here are four things I’m recommending this week and trying myself: A verse to ponder, a grandparent hack, a spring Closet Planner, and a recipe for fabulous BaNana Bread (read on to find the photo of my eager helper, plus some personal news.)

A Verse to Ponder In his Lenten message this past Sunday, our pastor spoke of Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness when he was continually assaulted spiritually by Satan, the tempter. Though none of us will ever go through just what Jesus did, we’re also no strangers to wilderness experiences. But here is the verse that gripped my heart: “He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him.” (Mark 1:13b) Friends, if you’ve got adversaries of any kind – mental or physical – bedeviling you right now, know this: God’s got his heavenly army on watch. (It applies to “mice” infestations as well!)

A Grandparent Hack When the pandemic suddenly shut the world down exactly one year ago this month, families were separated. Many grandparents still haven’t been able to see or touch their littles.

Only one of these is mine, but almost all kids love to be read to.

We’ve tried to read to our grands in the Northeast over FaceTime, but holding a book so they can see the pictures while we read the words is a crazy juggling act. I just heard about, a new program where grandparents can set up an account and an online library and up to four Book Buddies (email addresses) can join for free. I love the idea that both our son’s and our daughter’s families can logon, settle the littles in front of the computer screen, and let us read to the cousins together all at once! We’re giving it a trial run later today and I’ll let you know how it goes.

A Fun Find: Spring Closet Planner! Tired of wearing the same-old, same-old? I haven’t refreshed my closet since we’ve mostly been home the past year, but with vaccinations becoming widespread the world is opening up again. My favorite finds come from thrift stores. Our little town has at least five thrift and consignment shops with the best deals--like $2.50 for a nice blouse or scarf! I’m kinda out of the loop on what’s in style these days. But I’ve discovered a great resource: Fashion Meets Faith! Founder Shari Braendel gets those of us who want to dress in flattering, affordable clothes. Shari and her team have created the Spring Outfit Planner that suggests 27 pieces you can mix and match in over 150 outfit options, along with clickable shopping ideas and SIX different color schemes for six different kinds of women. (I'm what Shari calls a “Light” because of my blondish hair, blue eyes, and light complexion.)

I discovered a white eyelet top I bought years ago is back in style! You can find out more by clicking here. I’ve had so much fun with this! A Recipe to Share

I’m enjoying testing vintage recipes for my new book releasing early in 2022: Life is Sweet, Y’all!

Here's my new helper:

Grandog Lilly is all paws when it comes to baking

Maggie’s BaNana Bread

Just like your granny used to make…only maybe better. Freezes beautifully so you’ll always have an extra on hand for a friend. Save one for yourself - give the other three away!

4 ripe bananas, mashed 1 cup sugar ½ cup butter, softened Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda (dissolve in a teaspoon or two of water) 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups flour

Mix bananas, sugar, and butter – let stand 15 minutes. Then add salt, baking powder, baking soda, eggs, and flour and mix till combined.Pour into four small greased and floured bread pans*, filling 2/3 full. Sprinkle a little cinnamon, brown sugar, and dry oatmeal on top. Bake at 350° for 35 minutes or till toothpick inserted in center of bread comes out clean.

I've had this set of 4 attached mini bread pans for almost 30 years - much easier than using individual pans.

And in the spirit of trying new things… …I’m taking my own advice! This weekend I’ll be filming a talk for TEDx, a regional affiliate of the international TED talk program that seeks to discover “ideas worth spreading.” My topic? “The Invisible Woman: Empowering Seniors to Step from the Shadows.’ I’ve got it 99.9% memorized with just a few days to go! Ready to try a few new things yourself? Don’t forget you’ve got the host of heaven at your side.

Let’s do this, friends! "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Isaiah 43:19 NLT Copyright 2021, Maggie Wallem Rowe,

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